
Showing posts from March, 2022

Talking can save Lives

 He arrived at the meeting and sat quietly, looking at the floor. His cap was over his eyes, and he seemed to be slumped in his chair while his body disappeared into his jacket. He didn’t speak at first and when we arrived at the coffee break, he went outside. There was no sign of him at the start of the second session, so we continued with the ‘Anything to get off your chest’ question. He returned a few minutes later still carrying the troubles of the world on his shoulder. Gently we coaxed him to speak, and I witnessed what seemed like a small miracle.  As he began to talk about his problems, I could see his face relax. He slowly discarded his coat and then his hat, no longer needing to hide his feelings. He began to understand how his stulted but purposeful words would free him from the oppressive emotions crowding in on him. His was a desperate tale but one that many in the room had experienced. He was with friends who understood, and so the advice came from every direction. He wal