
Showing posts from February, 2020

It's Good to Talk

When I was a small boy, I remember falling down and grazing my knee. I began to cry and set off for home, which was about half a mile away. Before I reached home I had calmed down and stopped crying. I no longer felt upset but the moment I saw my mum I started to cry again. Today, I try to rationalise my illness and fears and offer a calm exterior to the world but that little boy is still inside me and wants comfort and someone who will listen. So when I’m struggling I ring the Samaritans just to talk. I know I can be honest without being judged and without upsetting those close to me. Letting out all my pent up emotions is cathartic and with this comes the tears that a little boy sheds when he feels hurt. Holding in negative emotions is dangerous and exhausting. Men need to talk.