
Showing posts from May, 2021

Have you watched Alien

  We can all debate the value of antidepressants and there is no one right answer for everyone. I see the benefits for me because at my worst I would not have got through without some help. Taking these tablets allowed me to be more rational and talk about those things that were bringing me down. There are people who don’t wish to take any of these tablets for all sorts of valid reasons and I respect their view. I have spent the last two months reducing the dosage of my tablets and strangely at this moment in time the drugs feel like an enemy. If you have ever watched alien and seen what happened to John Hurt when the alien escapes from his body, tearing him apart and of course ending his life, you will have some idea of what I feel I am going through. I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw the advice given on the Internet about reducing this particular tablet. It said to lower the dose by 10% each month to avoid too many bad reactions. Always assuming that I could find a way of reducing