
Showing posts from September, 2021

Where am I now?

I have suffered from anxiety and depression for over 30 years. For most of that time, I have managed my illness and enjoyed some good times. My illness has never stopped me from doing anything. I have tried to keep my life as active as possible. Three or four years ago, I was spending every day redecorating the house and found myself getting more and more anxious. This was the beginning of a new period in my life when I was consumed by my illness. My actions would seem extreme to many people, as I would drive off in the morning, tears running down my face or I would stay in bed all day. For the past couple of years, I have made a slow recovery with the help of my psychiatrist. I get out of bed every morning at nine and with the exception of my relaxation session, I stay out of bed all day. I have continued to do this during the lockdown and in some ways, my life being more restricted, allowed me to stay in equilibrium. I am at my worst in the mornings and this is when I feel I need to