
Showing posts from July, 2023

Andy's Man Club

  I first attended a group in Wakefield in 2017 and found the experience really helpful. AMC’s message is, ‘It’s OK to talk,’ and I’ve seen firsthand the power this message has. Men arrive looking like lost souls, unable to speak and in some cases, unable to come through the door. I felt a little apprehensive when I went to my first meeting, but I was full of hope that this group would help me feel less isolated. I became a regular of the group and on occasion acted as a facilitator. I continued through the covid lockdown talking to members of Wakefield AMC using the internet and eventually, when it was safe, I moved to help with a new group that was opening in Pontefract. We were AMC’s 50 th group but since then the charity has snowballed. I finally went through the training and now help facilitate the Pontefract group. We are constantly fighting the toxic masculinity which pervades our society but all that attend quickly learn that talking and sharing is a massive help. It’s a usefu