
Showing posts from December, 2023

Surviving the Christmas Period

  For many, Christmas is a joyous time but for others, it can bring loneliness and heartache. I think of all those people on the streets, the families with no money and little food. We live in an affluent society but there are still the ‘haves and have-nots’. I suppose I am in the group of ‘haves’ so that Christmas brings no financial worries or anxiety about buying presents for those I love. I fall into a very different category hard for any outsider to perceive from casual observation. I should be looking forward to this break, but I don’t want a break because it will simply magnify the isolation I feel. Two weeks with no AMC will be hard because I need to talk about how I feel. Nearly three weeks without singing in my choir will be an ordeal since this is one of my pleasures and a great distraction. It lifts me and keeps me buoyant for days. Also, I usually speak to my counsellor on a Tuesday, and this year that will be Boxing Day and he won’t be available. When you suffer from anxi