
 If my grandson had lived, he would have been 24 today. Last year his grandma and I were with him for his 23rd birthday, as we had been each year since he was born. He enjoyed his birthday, but he seemed a bit under the weather.  That was the last time we saw him before covid took him from us a week later. It’s been a tough year, and the closer we get to the anniversary of his death, the harder it is. Despite or maybe because of his various disabilities he was an amazing young man. He received the Cornwall Award from the scouts, which is their highest honour for bravery. His exuberance for life and joy of being with people were infectious. Isaac had nicknames for everyone, and I was no exception. I was the choir man because I sang in a male voice choir. I assume that influenced his decision to join his school choir. Isaac was born profoundly deaf and later in life was fitted with a cochlear implant, but he went to every practice and every concert. We would go to his concerts to support the school and Isaac. We watched him standing with all the singers, but he never opened his mouth or sang a note. The fact that he didn’t sing was an irrelevance to Isaac because, like his granddad, he was a choir man. Tonight, my choir will sing a song in his honour, and I will tell this tale with pride and humour.


  1. It teaches us to grab every scrap of life however and whenever we can. God will look after Isaac


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