What does being depressed and anxious feel like?

What does it feel like when I’m depressed?
Depression is not just feeling a little sad. I don’t want to get out of bed, just curl up and sleep. I don’t want to talk to anyone. All the humour is drained from my body.  I feel there is no hope and life seems pointless. I want to cry. I am filled with negative irrational thoughts and feel exhausted.
What does it feel like to suffer from anxiety?
My skin burns and I feel sick. My head spins and I feel dizzy. I can’t think straight, I am agitated and can’t keep still. My mouth is dry and I have to speak slowly to avoid showing my anxiety. My lips and face tighten and the muscles in my neck and side of my head stiffen and this brings on headaches.
What does it feel like when I’m depressed and anxious?
I just have to be on my own and cry. I feel like screaming and am bombarded by terrible, negative thoughts. I just want it to stop and feel I can’t bear it for another minute. I just want it all to end and I need to escape from the house and be on my own.
I can understand why some people end their lives and don’t condemn them for that. For many, it is the inevitable solution to ending years of pain but we must admire the courage of those who go on living, despite all the setbacks. Having understanding loved ones, being able to talk and write openly, confiding in friends and having professional help are all prerequisites for my survival. Each person must find their own solutions, but above all find the determination and bravery to fight this desperate illness. There are many people struggling with mental illness who deserve to be admired because every day they get out of bed and face a world of uncertainty and shadows.


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