A self-imposed exile

Being Alone

When anxious and depressed it is hard to feel part of what is happening around you. It is difficult to switch off the feelings and take part in what is happening. You can attempt to join in but you are not absorbed by the conversations or actions of those around you. You may be touching but it feels you are miles apart. You are overwhelmed by your own negative feelings. There is no room for anything else. You are surrounded by people but you are alone, yet still, you smile. A self-imposed exile in the middle of a crowd. You start to avoid these situations.
Everyone with mental health must find ways of coping and activities that distract and relax. Music, cinema, and sport do help many people and these can be group or solo activities. Some people paint while others write but talking about how you feel is not an easy thing for men in our society. For me, there is one exception. At Andy’s Man Club I don’t have to pretend. The conversation is raw but pertinent. Some men need time to adjust to this open environment and find it difficult to speak about their problems but eventually, they begin to trust those around them and start to talk. This is not a cure but as the weeks go by, quite often, I see people emerging from behind their masks and talking with great honesty. Feelings are shared and discussed with men who understand. For two precious hours, I no longer feel alone.

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