Winter Months

Winter Months

January was extremely hard. My headaches were at their worst and it was hard to think straight or consider the best ways forward. My arms were still very sore but despite the fact I was getting invaluable help from the physio progress was slow. I came to the conclusion that I was frightened of hurting myself more, and this was contributing to the headaches.
In the winter I had no routine to follow and there was little to do. No choir, light exercise only and too many hours spent in shops and cafes. Weather and dark days are not conducive to walking outside and my SAD made me feel very low.
 It was easy to feel that, at present, my life had little meaning and I was just going through the motions of living. I recognised that these thoughts were temporary and that my life would not continue this way. My starting point for improvement would be longer daylight hours and the reduction of the headaches which are completely debilitating.
The headaches made those things that would occupy me at that time of the year, writing, using the computer and reading the paper difficult for me. As time goes on I expect to be able to find activities that don’t need me to use my eyes as much. Gardening, walking in the sunshine, will also allow me to unwind and therefore reduce the headaches. I sometimes wonder how I have got into this position and don’t recognise the person I have become. I will recover from this and enjoy life again, of this I am certain. Today is the 25th of March and tomorrow is the first day of summer. This will be a good day for many people, even though we are in lockdown life will be worth living.


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