Close to us in spirit

Today is my brother's funeral and I can't be there. It is tearing me apart but there is nothing I can do. I know that there are many people in this position at the moment because of covid 19 and lockdown. For me there is no consolation, there can be no celebration of his life, only the enforced separation. Depression brings its own demands but grief is worse and fuels my private thoughts. I tell myself that time will help but feel no conviction. Not today, maybe tomorrow. Jack the last of my family. Mum, Dad, Harry, and now Jack all gone and with them the unique memories only we shared of my childhood and our time together. But I have other memories, validated by my wife and children and connections that will support me through this time and beyond. My daughter sent me some words by Goethe that shine a light into the darkness.
'The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers, and cities; but to know someone who thinks and feels with us, and who, though distant, is close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.'


  1. An unimaginable situation, you are part of our family, Dick, and part of the family of all good people in the World.


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