Crying as therapy

Every person will deal with their mental illness differently but I recognise a pattern to the way I feel and react. Negative feelings build up but I continue to pretend that all is well and try to use my coping strategies to lift the way I feel. Sometimes I can think my way through these critical times but usually, I get to bursting point and have to cry.
I find an excuse to be on my own and just let go of my emotions. Crying is quite cathartic for me, but I understand that seeing me like that can be disturbing for those around me. I could feel ashamed because all my life I have been told that men don’t cry but I don’t because I have learned that these ‘old school’ attitudes are destructive of my self-esteem. I now understand that holding emotions in and pretending all is well, leads to many men ending their lives. I may have a mental illness but I’m not stupid. If I need to talk, then I will talk and if I need to cry, I will cry.
Crying is like a cleansing of my mind and body. It allows me to set down my burden for a while and begin again to challenge my depression. It is a way of resetting my mind. This vital coping strategy is nature’s way of protecting me. Crying is not a worsening of my condition but a helping hand to recovery.


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