Thoughts during Lock Down

This is a difficult time for everyone. Being in isolation. Not seeing loved ones. Not going to work. No social activities. Worrying about those we love. Empty shelves in supermarkets. Keeping safe. Waiting for things to get worse. These are all factors that can affect mental health. For me, there is also the fact that I have lost my key coping strategies. No Gym. No choir. No Andy's Man Club.
So how am I coping? Quite well, given what is happening. This is what is keeping me going.
1.       Each day is the same but that has been helpful to me. I enjoy the routine.
2.       I am doing steady exercise and trying not to overdo things. This is good because it doesn’t feel like I am avoiding vigorous exercise because I am afraid.
3.       I am undertaking steady work in the garden and am helped by the length of time I have available. No need to rush. No perfectionism.
4.       My thoughts about pain and injury are now more logical. I can accept that I may have to live with this pain from now on. I am 74 this month and there are many people worse off than me.
5.       I am taking no pain killers and am attempting to control my headaches by varying my routine and having a greater awareness of how my anxiety brings on the pain.
6.       I am enjoying venting about this government’s incompetence and the feedback I get about this from others.
7.       I feel very close to my wife because we are working together as a team.
8.       I feel that I have a higher purpose in my life, to keep my wife safe.
9.       I am trying to consciously step back from the needs of others and put myself first.
10.   I am keeping in touch with friends and family via the internet.


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