Keeping Sane

Another day in lockdown. Things are going better than I thought they would. I wake each morning with vivid and disturbing dreams in my mind. I get up feeling visibly shaken and that feeling stays with me unless I do something to change it. I am taking a tablet that helps me sleep but I believe that the side effect is these early morning dreams. At first, I would try to keep busy and occupied my mind until the feelings disappeared but now I have adopted a much more successful approach. I recognise that the dreams are my subconscious reminding me of times when I was very anxious and I am now able to look at the situation logically. I tell myself that the dreams represent the past but I am now living in a different world where this anxiety is irrelevant. It can only hurt me if I let it. So I get on with my day and busy myself not to run away from the feeling but to rise above it.


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