
 There are probably as many variations of depression and anxiety as there are people suffering from the illness. Some people are plunged into a deep dark hole by the circumstances in their lives, while others suffer low mood periodically without knowing why. Winston Churchill talked about his ‘black dog’ that would visit his mind and destroy his stability. He lived a difficult and challenging life and, despite his illness, led this country through the Second World War. His depression was part of his life and would come uninvited to plague him. I understand this because I go through something similar but I keep going regardless of how I feel. I’m not sure whether changing my circumstances will cure me but I’m certain that changing the way I look at my situation will help. I have a friend, Adam Berry, who has lived through a very difficult year and has suffered massively from his grief and depression but has found new love and opportunities and is now able to see a brighter world. I know it hasn’t been easy for him but his words tell it all. I am certain he will be well again and, on the way, will help others.

These last twelve months I've learned a lot about myself and have asked myself, what is life all about? It’s not really difficult or complex in my mind, it’s quite simple really. Living life must be, and is, a mix of good and bad of happiness and sadness, of love and loss and we all should be accepting of that. If every day was a good day then that, in time, would be boring. So I choose to enjoy the good days and the good parts of my life. On the bad days, I have learned to anchor down and look for the positives however small. I have learned that regardless of how bad things are there is always something positive to be found somewhere. Even if that is just to be thankful that I made it through the day. In that moment I know I will get another opportunity tomorrow to live a great day.

Life is like a roller coaster with highs and lows, twists and turns. It goes fast and sometimes it goes slow, it has moments of joy and fear, it has anticipation, acceleration, and exhilaration. There are times when you feel like letting go and hold out your arms and there are moments you need to hold on as tight as you can. Not forgetting like any journey or ride it has a start and sadly it also must have an end too. My hope is to experience the full ride, experience all the emotions, and embrace it all. When the rides come to an end I want to be able to say, ‘WOW!! What a ride!!!’

So I'm going to live life, the very best I can. I'm going to choose to laugh more and worry less. I'm going to live a life that shows more kindness, care, and compassion. I'm going to choose to live each day to be happy, dare to have hopes, to allow myself to dream new dreams.

Live your life and live it full.

Embrace and enjoy each moment, there's not a moment to lose.

Don’t count the days, make the days count!




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