Andy's Man Club

 Throughout lockdown, I have been talking to other members of Andy’s Man Club using google meet. I already knew a fair number of people from the meetings held in Wakefield but none of them joined the internet meeting. So over the past few months, I have got to know a new set of lads. It is never easy joining a group of people when everyone knows each other and you are the odd one out but I was made really welcome and now feel that I have made new friends. Although they have corrupted me in a number of ways, I was a willing victim. I enjoyed the dark and varied humour and was able to offer ideas and advice, which were well received. My message is simple. No matter how hard it may seem to walk through the door into Andy’s Man Club (either virtually or actually) and make that first contact, it will be the best decision you will ever make. Why? You will get the help you need. You will make friends and feel supported. Everyone in the room will have been where you are and understand exactly what you are going through. Whatever you say will be accepted without criticism and you will be offered advice based on experience. You will no longer feel alone. Be brave and take that step.


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