Borrow my toolbox


For those of us who have had therapy, we were helped to look for strategies that would improve how we felt. This ‘toolbox’ was a handy reminder of what to do when struggling or, if used in a timely way, to keep us on an even keel. In the past, if I had jobs to do and I had a friend who had tools that would help, then I would borrow them. Coping with mental health isn’t quite the same because everyone is so different. Here is my toolbox and if it contains anything that could help you, then take it. Sharing tools can only help.

1.       Trying to cram too much into each day or week is not sensible. Respect my age and listen to my body.

2.       Find more fulfilling things to do. Maybe something where I can plan and think. I enjoy the choir since singing and meeting people are good for me.  

3.       At present, my lack of concentration makes it hard to learn words for my music. So for the moment, a little at a time, with breaks between, is the best way forward for this and many other activities. I might find it better to accept that I won’t master all the music by the next concert. Challenge my perfectionism.

4.       Make clear but provisional plans on a weekly basis.

5.       If I don’t want to do something, saying no is the obvious solution. Dwelling on things before speaking out, usually makes matters worse.

6.       Exercise regularly but sensibly. Work within my own limits and so avoid injuries. With old injuries, take the pain killers and keep going.

7.       Use relaxation techniques each day if possible.

8.       Remind me of the positives about myself and bring my intelligence and determination into play. Try to be mentally strong.

9.       Get out and stay out of bed.



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