Social Anxiety


Despite suffering from anxiety, I have been able to overcome, or at least ignore, the worst feelings when I’ve needed to do something. At no point in my life have I refused to accept the challenges because of anxiety. I undertook an important job with many difficulties and managed to succeed. I went on holiday, went to social gatherings, made speeches, and generally lived a full life. I suppose I could see this as being brave and triumphing over my illness but the process was painful and I have the utmost sympathy with those who have difficulty in a social setting. The following words are not mine but they came from Dale and give a clear idea of what some people go through. These words are not to be dismissed lightly. They represent an illness that only those who suffer can understand. ‘Hearing people laughing at you. Not talking because you’re afraid that what you say will be judged. Keeping quiet in a conversation with three people. Not being able to go anywhere alone. Staying inside all day. Hating when the teacher asks you a question in class. Not holding eye contact. Eating in front of people. Counting money before you pay. Not leaving voicemails. Always preparing what to say. Bumping into people you know. Feeling embarrassed all the time.'


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