The Final Straw


When you are dealing with emotional problems, some days are good and others are bad. Some weeks are good and some are horrendous. In conversations at Andy’s Man Club, people have talked about coping being like having a jug full of water, which you keep from spilling over with various strategies. Then something happens. It could seem quite trivial to other people but for you, it is the drop that spills over the edge of the jug. The final straw that breaks the camel’s back. I have coped with lockdown, my wife’s spinal fracture, and the dismal life that is post lockdown but yesterday I was wracked in pain but had to postpone my swimming session because my wife was ill. I was very much the worst for wear when I woke this morning but was determined to get on and go for that swim I had missed. That was until I received the speeding fine envelope through the letterbox. I drove the car to the pool but as I was driving the emotions flooded through me and I began to cry. I just went to pieces. I parked the car and let all the anger, frustration, and self-pity I was trying to cope with, flood out.  I needed to talk to someone so I rang the Samaritans. After talking about what I was going through I felt a bit better. Finally, I took a deep breath and set off for the pool. 


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