Another night at AMC.


Another night at AMC. Large circle of chairs, everyone socially distanced and wearing masks. I am looking forward to another good night and look around at all the masked faces. Many men know each other and talk in a relaxed manner as good friends do. I feel that connection, because apart from three men I know everyone and have a clear understanding of why people are there. Over time I have learnt what makes each person tick and how they are coping with their mental health problems. I identify with them and feel that their problems are mine. Talk of success lifts me and talk of setbacks gives me the opportunity to reassure and support. The group represents all ages and walks of life. There are graduates, blue and white collar workers, men who are retired, men who are unemployed, men with money and men without. Last night I wasn’t the oldest person there and a new member, in my old eyes, looked about 15, so we represented an age span of 60 years! I suffer from anxiety and depression, others were dealing with physical pain, anger issues, loneliness and grief but we all had one thing in common. We all were trying to cope with mental illness in its various forms. No one’s problems were regarded as any worse or easier than anyone else’s. We were there to support each other and dispel the isolation that our problems bring. As the evening went along people became more relaxed and some humour crept into the proceedings. The mood lifted and I could see some of the group laughing and temporarily forgetting their problems. In the two hours allocated for the meeting I could feel a shift in the mood and a greater confidence from individuals. The final question of the night was, ‘in one word, sum up how you feel at this moment’, and my honest answer was, ‘relaxed’. For me, this was a great meeting at the end of a good day. It’s not often I can say that.   


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