Not everyone understands


What leads people to ignore or misunderstand those with mental health problems? In addition to the media promoting a particular view of men, there is a fear of the unknown and the unseen. We read of people who have killed because they have a mental illness. Some people with Paranoid schizophrenia, for example, can find it difficult to understand what is happening to them and the environment they live in. Without help they can be a danger to themselves and others. Press coverage about people being injured by the small number of people with severe mental problems, fuels people’s fear. Not understanding that 4 out of 5 people, sometime in their life, will suffer from anxiety or depression can lead to misunderstanding and confusion. Some of us are more susceptible to mental health problems but in my experience most people with these problems are just ordinary men and women from all walks of life, struggling with the difficulties of life. Everyone has a breaking point or a life experience that leaves them bewildered and damaged. If you have never experienced this then you are fortunate and shouldn’t judge others.  Many people, who have not been challenged by circumstances that might break them, are lucky but can feel a sense of superiority. We are still fighting against the view that mental illness is about being weak, and those suffering, particularly men, need to toughen up and get on with things. This simplistic view of a complex issue can destroy relationships and make matters worse. People at rock bottom do not need to be told to toughen up. I remember the Sun newspaper writing a scathing critique of Frank Bruno when he was diagnosed with depression. It was a vile commentary on a man who did not deserve it and a public backlash led to the editor completely rewriting the article for the second issue. To me this was heartening and showed that society could change. Maybe sometime in the future we will all understand what causes mental breakdown and regard it as just another illness, from which any person can suffer. We will know this has happened when the investment in mental health matches other forms of illness in the NHS. Until then, we have a right and duty to talk about the issues and create a society that shows compassion and true understanding. For those who understand no explanation will ever be needed, for those who don’t understand no explanation will ever be possible. Andy’s Man Club is helping men across the country, providing a sanctuary for those in need and spreading the word that it is alright to be caring, compassionate and sensitive. You can attend our meetings and will be received warmly and with the understanding of those who know.



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