Mind and Body

When those that don’t suffer try to understand what is happening to friends or loved ones who have mental health problems, they find it almost impossible to relate. How can they imagine just what anxiety feels like, or the black dog of depression? It is hard to explain just how I am feeling and describe the unwelcome emotions going through my head. It is easier to explain the physical reactions associated with my depression and anxiety. When my depression is at its worse, I feel drained of energy and an overwhelming sense of tiredness that prevents me from doing anything other than lying in bed. I feel a weight pressing on my head that makes me want to sleep and stops me from thinking straight. I have lots of other symptoms, which are not physical, but they are harder to explain. Anxiety brings contradictory physical reactions to that of depression. My head feels as though it is in a vice and the headaches are debilitating. The physical pain is very real and can take over the whole of my body. My legs ache, I feel as though I have run a marathon and my stomach is as tight as a drum. My skin can burn and I can’t stay still. At my worst, I have to rock myself backward and forwards or walk up and down like a caged animal. Coping with what appears to be opposing body reactions brings untold frustration and pain. There is nowhere to hide from this challenge. Relaxation exercises help the muscles to calm and this in turn helps to quiet the mind. Good company and laughter feel like miracle cures but you have to be brave and seek these out. Not everyone can do that. Exercise, when you feel exhausted, is not a good idea but it helps with the anxiety. Small amounts of exercise, like going for a gentle walk, can help and be the beginning of a slow recovery. The mind and body are intertwined so understand and then explain the physical symptoms first because your friends can relate to this and this is a starting point for their understanding. When you are suffering you need help and if your friends don’t understand, then get new friends. You will find them at Andy’s Man Club. 


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