Giving me time to Search


Some people have anxious times and can’t understand why they are happening. Others know exactly what makes them panicky or fearful. I have experienced both these moments. I can go through a day just feeling anxious and not know why, or I can come face-to-face with something that lights the blue paper of fright. In both cases, I did not understand my reaction or know how to deal with it. I am told that you don’t have a negative feeling without a thought preceding it. For me sometimes the thought was so quick that it had come and gone without me recognising it. Other times I know exactly what the thought is and that is a starting point for dealing with it. I am fortunate that I can see myself in this way but am aware that others can’t or don’t. It is when you come together with other sufferers that a light is shone on the problem. Men who arrive at AMC for the first time need support and friendship but over time the people who are ahead of them on the road to recovery can share ideas and learned experience. Comments such as, ‘just take small steps,' are an invaluable help to those trying too hard. Comments like, ‘you are not alone,’ are incredibly comforting to anyone feeling anxious or depressed. Talking about my problems and feelings has allowed me to keep on an even keel while I search for answers and the more answers I find the better I am to help others.  




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