Blip or Going Backwards



No matter how well you feel, with mental health, there is always the possibility of regressing. During the lockdown, I have had to face many restrictions on my life. I have done this reasonably well and felt some achievement in ‘not going under.’ I have helped my wife through some difficult times and the experience has been exhausting. I now have a long list of good things that will be happening in a month’s time. I will be able to swim again. I will be able to go to Andy's Man Club again. I will see my family again. I might be able to play golf again. You would think that this would make me happy but a month is a long time to be waiting when you feel down or anxious. So today my mental health has dipped and I am doing what I always do, thinking the worst. I didn’t sleep well last night and for a week now I have been dogged by the most debilitating headaches. I look back over the past two years and I know that I am in a much better place now but there is still that niggling doubt that I am going backward. There is no logic to this feeling, but nevertheless, it feels so real. I am catastrophizing like many people I know who find themselves in this position. It’s hard to see the long term because anxiety is all about the moment. You have to be able to see beyond that moment, and the best way of doing that is to talk to someone who can offer common-sense counsel. Today, it is raining and my wife is suffering from her covid vaccine. So I am alone with my thoughts and have sat down to write this blog until I can find someone to talk to. I am sure in a few days I will wonder what all the fuss was about but for the moment I feel lost. I am not in a black hole or despairing for my future but I know there are many people out there who understand the pain I am feeling and would offer words of reassurance, not to themselves, but to me.


  1. Come on Dick, you are my dear friend and I understand your comments because I go through the very same episodes. It will pass and you are never actually alone in your sadness

    1. Of course you are right David, and salvation lies in the recognition that even in the worst moments things will get better. The more you experience this the more certain you become but in that critical moment there is always self doubt.


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