Andy's Man Club. It’s not just two hours a week.


When you pluck up the courage to attend Andy’s Man Club, you have the chance to talk about things that are important to you. For two hours you will talk and listen and time will pass quickly because you are where you need to be. You will feel positive for the first time in a while. You will feel that people care about you and what you are going through. You might not feel alone for the first time in a long time. You may feel that this is somewhere that you belong. You may go home elated or at least hopeful. Those two hours are just a starting point. For the next week, you will feel lifted by the experience and look forward to the next Monday. You will walk a little taller. Those two hours remain with you as you deal with your illness and go about your daily routine and this is just a starting point. Each Monday brings new ideas and hope and most importantly friendship. You are on a path to recovery. Your life seems to have more promise and you can look forward to being part of something important and worthwhile. Andy’s Man Club is not just two hours a week. The experience floods your life and anchors your uncertainty.


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