Good things


Two years ago my self-esteem was at rock bottom. If you had asked me what was good in my life, I would not have been able to think of anything. This illness had made me feel worthless. Today, I feel very different because I have had help; counselling and attending Andy’s Man Club has helped me turn my life round. I am still shielding my wife, so face-to-face at the Wakefield AMC group is still a risk too far for me, but I enjoy the internet meetings. I decided it was time for me to take stock and make a list of all the good things in my life. Both Kay and I have now had our vaccines and that feels like a big step forward.  We are through the winter and can look forward to long sunny days. I can see my family again, admittedly only outside but the fire pit is ready on cold days. I have recognised how important the garden has become for us now that Kay has fractured her spine, so we are planning raised flower beds and a garden room. I really enjoy swimming and my health club is open again so that’s something else to look forward to. After two years of hard work, my daughter has passed her final professional exam and is now a member of the British Association of counsellors and psychotherapists. So proud of her. We have discussed Kay’s treatment for osteoporosis with the specialist and have managed to get the most up-to-date drug available. She has now gone a month with no side effects and that is brilliant news. They can’t straighten her back but it will be greatly strengthened over the next two years. Last week I met a doctor and the practice manager from my surgery to discuss the complaint I had submitted to the NHS over my wife’s misdiagnosis during the lockdown. At the end of the meeting, I believe I gained the outcome I was hoping for. This process was so hard but now it’s over I feel vindicated and proud of myself for fighting my wife’s corner. And finally, I am reducing my antidepressants. Not an easy task given all we have been through, but despite some ups and downs, I am determined to make this work. All these good things have helped me recognise my innate abilities and what a determined person I am. I can look forward to caring for my wife, being with my friends, and helping others. Roll on the good times.








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