Ponte or bust


Tomorrow a new Andy’s Man Club opens in Pontefract. It will be the 50th group and will follow the same successful formula that has allowed this organisation to help so many men, young and old. This amazing charity has expanded beyond all expectations and has provided vital support for men struggling with mental health problems. When allowed during the pandemic, there have been both face-to-face meetings and online meetings for those who need to shield. I have attended both at different times and made new friends because this is what each group provides. Many men have said that the hardest thing was walking through the door or asking to join online. It is easy to understand why this should be so because in our society this is alien to men. We are supposed to be the strong silent ones, and to ask for help is almost unthinkable. Once they’ve become a member, most men say it is the best thing they ever did, since it ended the isolation they felt and put them in touch with people who understood and really cared. It is easy to see why AMC works when you see the relaxed faces and hear the joking banter of regular attenders. For most of us, Mondays between 7 and 9 are sacrosanct because we know that the lift we get from talking and sharing gets us through the week. But don’t take my word for this. AMC has deservingly been given, the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the MBE for Volunteer Groups. Congratulation to all involved in this enterprise. The professional team, the trained facilitators, the fundraisers, and everyone who attends, in order to receive or offer advice. We are a family that helps men to help themselves and we expect to change the outdated view that if you show your feelings you are not a man!  My thanks to the fellas at Wakefield’s AMC for giving me so much support over the past two years. The bar has been set high for me and I hope the Pontefract group can emulate Wakefield and all the other established groups. Given the cultured history of Pontefract, I wouldn’t be surprised if we aren't asked to express our feelings through the medium of dance. Only kidding Lee.


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