Raising money for AMC. I can't jump out of a plane but I can sing.

     Letter to my Choir's Committee.

I know it’s early days and the committee has much to plan in the next few months, but I wanted to make a request for the future when we are back to as normal as we are going to be. As you know I suffer from mental health problems but I try to live a normal life and get on with things. I cope well compared to many and I put that down to be able to talk and write about my feelings, as well as my singing.

In the past few years, I have attended a group in Wakefield called ‘Andy’s Man Club’ and tried to help others with their problems. The group’s motto is, ‘It’s good to talk.’ There is now an AMC in Pontefract which meets every Monday evening between 7 and 9 pm. AMC was established only five years ago by Luke Ambler and his mother-in-law Elaine after his brother-in-law, Andy, committed suicide. There are now over 50 clubs across the country with the aim of helping young men to cope with their lives. The statistics are appalling since twelve men kill themselves every day and I suspect that during the pandemic this number will have increased. You and I know how the power of music can lift and bring joy but these men are at rock bottom and they need to talk. AMC provides that opportunity in a secure environment and has saved many lives and given new starts to those who have given up hope. For many men just coming through that door is the biggest challenge of their lives.

AMC has now received the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, (the MBE for voluntary groups.) The organisation has a group of professional workers but largely relies on people like myself to volunteer to run groups and local support for the free use of premises on a Monday night. A great deal of fundraising is needed to keep this invaluable work going, so I am hoping the committee can put us on its list for a concert to raise some money and awareness and help with a much neglected and misunderstood illness. I think it is quite poetic to think of older men singing to help younger men survive in this modern world. I understand that we support many good causes but would ask that you give serious consideration to this request.

Positive response already. March or April 2022 a possibility. Aiming for £1000




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