
 On Monday night I went to Andy’s Man Club, Pontefract with some trepidation. I knew I was going to talk about my grandson's death and I knew that I would cry. My thanks to everyone in my group for their support and sensitivity. I wasn't the only one in tears. At the interval, I spoke to a new guy who had not been able to speak during the session. Very painfully he began to open up to me. It was good to feel normal and useful for a few minutes because our conversation helped both of us. My thanks to everyone at AMC Pontefract and a special thanks to Lee C who I know has been worrying about me and my family. I saw my daughter for the first time yesterday after she had come out of isolation. It was good to hold her and my granddaughter and talk to my son-in-law. They are all dealing with immense pain but are talking about Isaac and letting the feelings come. Human beings are fragile creatures but extremely resilient. We will all get through this and be left with the happiest of memories.


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