Surviving the hard Weeks


My daughter told me that when things are bad for everyone, I don’t have to pretend that everything will be OK. She said, it’s OK not to be OK, and I don’t have to play the protective father.  I thought that this was sound advice, and it represented a different way of looking at my world. It was later that I realised my words of encouragement were meant to cheer me up. I have grown up always expecting to look on the bright side, laugh things off, and keep my emotions in check. Look where that’s got me! Thirty years of depression and anxiety. The CBT therapy I have undergone seems to suit me because finding the positives in any situation, is what I do. So, what’s the problem? There are things about my character that prevent me from making decisions that will improve my life. There aren’t always positives to find in some situations and the more appropriate response would be anger or acceptance. I understand that if I just dismiss things, they will come back to bite me but I have suppressed my anger for so long that I often don’t recognise when I’m angry. So now I am trying something different to CBT in the hope that I can change how I feel about life and the different parts of my character. The construct of man and child continues to prove useful. The man everyone sees is in conflict with the child who feels neglected and anxious. The child feels the pain while the man is saying everything is OK. The last two therapy sessions have been quite disturbing because I was extremely angry and tearful. The child in me kept saying that everything was unfair. I am worried that although the therapy will help me in time, in the short term it is making matters worse. I am strong enough to keep going but the past few weeks have tested my resolve. My routines have been disrupted by medical appointments, and on Tuesday my wife and I waited all day for our car to be collected for its service and no one came. Nothing’s quite gone right this week, and we have both found things hard to manage. So, I’m writing this blog feeling very low and very angry. I’ve lost my grandson, and nothing in this world can compensate me for that (That’s not fair). My wife is dealing with multiple health problems and every day is a challenge for her  (That’s not fair). I have lived with a bad back for nine months and have arthritis in my feet that is painful when I walk (That’s not fair). I am feeling sorry for myself, angry, and frustrated. Three more days to my AMC meeting and four days until I talk to my therapist. Tonight, I will be singing, and despite all my perceived problems, I have a loving and supportive family. I know I am not alone and that does help. I will get through this, and life will be better again.  


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