Strong Yet Damaged

 I can see my adult self, standing by a child. He has his arm around the child, and they are both looking down at a hole in the floor. They did not create the hole, but they have to find a way to mend it. They know that they must work together to fill the void. Somewhere along the way, there has been a gap, a lacking, something missing, that has dominated both their lives. They need to find the missing essence that has left them bereaved. The man mustn’t pretend that all is well, and the child can’t just feel sorry for himself. Neither is to blame, and neither can be whole without the other. 

Strong Yet damaged

Childhood wandering. Confused and alone.

Friends give purpose when shadows drift by me. 

Happy to be busy. Happy to be part of a bigger reality.

Happy to submerge the fear.


My friends give light, but darkness surrounds us.

There is always the void that leaves me incomplete.

Frightened, by unexplained emptiness.

I was part of the conspiracy. A willing victim.


I stand my ground and pretend that all is well,

That I am unafraid and deny the burden I shoulder.

And so, the void remains and leaves me strong yet damaged.


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